What’s Happening?

YOU ASKED FOR IT!!!!! Church Photo Directory
We’re creating a new photo directory for our church.
To be included, you should…

1. Provide Your Contact Information
Cell phones and email may now be included, along with your names, address and home phone. Complete a form (if you didn’t 
in 2014) or email your info to [email protected]. (Forms are in the narthex)

2. Provide a Photo
You can send us your favorite family photo. We’d like informal, head and shoulders shots, landscape (4 x 3), JPEG or PNG, about 1 Mbyte. Email to [email protected].
Or if you prefer, we’ll take a photo for you on Sunday, July 19th or Sunday, July 26th.

3. Check Your Information
Check the draft in the narthex. Add anything missing, and correct any errors. If it’s perfect check the little box on the right to confirm your entry.

HSC Campus Beautification Day
July 11th from 9 am to 1 pm
115 Coral Street, Santa Cruz

The temporary closing of the Loft and other emergency services provides an opportunity for some spring cleaning. Homeless Services Center is holding a Campus Beautification Day on Saturday, July 11th. There will be gardening, organizing, and general clean-up of the grounds. Wings is looking for all available volunteers and would love to have CCSV participate! Contact Cassie Strusis-Timmer if you are willing to help. All supplies will be provided.

Joni & Friends
Joni & Friends is in need of Short-Term Missionaries for the July 12-17 JAF retreats at Mission Springs. We especially need people for campers of the ages of nursery to teens as well as a few “floaters” who can help set up activities, etc.
If you are interested, see Karen Meyers for more information.

More happenings:
Saturday, 7/11, Men’s Breakfast, 8:30 am at Mollie’s in Scotts Valley
Monday – Friday, 7/12-17, our High School Youth will be at CHIC (Covenant High in Christ) 2015 in Knoxville, Tennessee
Saturday, 7/18, Faith Communities Shelter Program at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church. Please contact the church office if you are able to help (438-4276 or [email protected])
Monday – Friday, 7/27-7/31, “Hometown Nazareth” Vacation Bible Camp for grades K-5; register on the “Children’s Ministries” page.