Children's Ministry

Sunday mornings at 10AM

“Check-In and Check Out” takes place at the classroom. Snacks will be available. Drop off by 9:50 and pick up by 11:10. We look forward to being a safe and fun space for your child!
“Check-In and Check Out” takes place at the classroom. Kids are welcome to go to the Preschool class before or anytime during our service. Drop off by 9:50 and pick up by 11:10.

What will my child be doing in class?

Class schedule includes free-play, bible story time, craft, and snack.
K-5th grade kids join parents in service and are dismissed to kids church after worship. Kids are brought back to the service to reunite with their family.

What will my child be doing in class?

Class schedule includes bible story time, craft, and snack.
CHeck out the CCSV Kids Socials below
Volunteers and Volunteer Application
Our team of volunteers take turns serving 1x time per month.
Our adult and youth volunteers submit a volunteer application, are interviewed, provide references that are checked, are trained annually and pass a background check.
Want to Connect?
Email our children's Minister at
[email protected]

Come Visit

join us Sundays at 10am

Contact US

2700 El rancho Drive,
Santa Cruz