Tuesdays with Gerry

Welcome to the first letter of Peter!  This is perhaps the most relevant book we could study at this time–not only due to COVID-19 but also as we find the Christian message less and less acceptable in our society. The Christians of Peter’s day were not being actively martyred as they would be a few years later.  However, they were certainly looked down upon and harassed. How should they (and we) react in such circumstances? Peter tells them and us in this letter. His argument is beautiful though a bit difficult at times to follow. It is well worth our study. If you have questions or comments don’t hesitate to send them to me–I would be very pleased if you did. There is so much in this book which I would love to share together as a class–but alas impossible at this time.

Love and blessings to all! Gerry

1 Peter 1 (pdf)

Tuesdays with Gerry – 1 Peter Quiz Answers

Hi All, Some of you have responded that you enjoyed the quiz on the Apostle Peter. You probably do not need this lesson with my answers but here you are.  Next Tuesday I will send questions for chapter one of I Peter.  This is not an easy book to grasp in one quick reading–as those of you know who have shared with our church services these past two Sundays when Jeremiah preached from I Peter.  However, despite the challenge, this letter addressed to many churches–and to us–is well worth studying. Looking forward to doing it “together”.
Blessings and love,Gerry

1 Peter Answers to Quiz (pdf)