Upcoming Events

Fall Festival – Sunday, October 8, noon to 2 pm at Frontier Ranch at Mission Springs Conference Center. There will be a taco cart, bounce houses and a dessert potluck. Please bring a dessert to share. Suggested donation $5/person to cover costs.

Wings Harvest Jamboree – Sunday, October 15, 3-8 pm, Aptos Village Park. Fundraiser to benefit Wings Homeless Advocacy – tri tip BBQ, square dance caller, games for kids. Tickets available at www.wingsadvocacy.org

Faith Communities Shelter – Saturday, October 21, 5:30 pm, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church. Join Pastor Jeremiah in serving dinner to 16-20 homeless individuals before they are housed overnight at St. Philip’s church.

Congregational Business Meeting – Sunday, October 22, 11 am, in the sanctuary. Members, please plan to attend.

Club 4-5 – Youth Group for grades 4 and 5 will meet Saturday, October 28, 4 pm, at church.

Young Life Santa Cruz Silent Auction & Banquet – Saturday, October 28, 5 pm, Chaminade Resort & Spa. For tickets contact Young Life office 831.423.5478 [email protected]

Upcoming Fall Events

Worship Service Time will change to 10 am on September 3.

Confirmation for 7th, 8th, & 9th graders starts September 10 after church. Pastors Jeremiah & Brian will be teaching this two year class. Please contact either of them if you have questions:  [email protected] or [email protected]

The Adult Bible Study will start up with an Ice Cream Social at the home of Gerry & Shirley Cox on Tuesday, September 12 at 2pm. Gerry plans to review the first 11 chapters during that time. The first lesson, chapter 12, will be on September 19 at 10 am church in the Fireside Room and will meet thereafter on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Please contact Gerry at [email protected] for additional information.

Middle School and High School Youth Groups start Sunday evening, September 17. More details will follow. Contact Brian at [email protected]

PSWC Women’s Retreat at Mission Springs, September 15-17, register online at www.pswc-women’s-retreat.eventzilla.net 

Confirmation Starts Sept 10

Confirmation is a 2-year study of the Bible and Church history as well as the traditional catechisms of the Church. The plan is to meet on Sunday mornings after church throughout the academic school year starting September 10. Confirmation is open to all 7th, 8th, and 9th graders. The church provides all necessary materials. Please contact Pastor Jeremiah [email protected] or Pastor Brian [email protected] if you have questions or if your student is interested in joining this class.

Summer Sundays

Starting June 4 our worship service will be held at 9:30 am every Sunday during the summer and will return to the regular time on Labor Day weekend, September 3. This earlier worship time will provide an opportunity to serve the local summer camp staff and to get out of the house early and enjoy the day.

Good Friday and Easter Services

April 14, 12 pm
Please join Pastor Jeremiah and Pastor Mary Blessing for a noontime Good Friday Service to be held at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, 5271 Scotts Valley Drive.

Two Easter Services will be held this year on Sunday, April 16. There will be a “sunrise” service at 7 am at the fire pits at Twin Lakes Beach and a more traditional Easter service at 10:30 am in the church sanctuary.

Those who are able are encouraged to park in lower parking lot behind the church.

Easter Flowers are Welcome
You may bring lilies, daffodils or tulips to the beach or to church on Easter Sunday and place them in the sand or across the front of the platform. You may include a note on the pot if your flowers are in memory of or in honor of a loved one.

Women’s Bible Study – New 5 Week Study Beginning in October

Using Ann Voskamp’s book and video series.
One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are

Sunday Evenings 6:00-7:30 pm during youth group
in the CE Building October 23, 30 & November 6, 13, 20


Thursday Mornings 9:30-11 am in the CE building
October 20, 27 & November 3, 10, 17

This will be a great time of inspiration from God’s Word as well as time to pray, support, and encourage one another! Women of all ages are invited to either group–whichever time works best for you.

Please RSVP by Sunday, October 16 so we can order enough study guides:
Margaret Anderson 831-428-2508        [email protected]
Karyl Erickson         408-750-4035        [email protected]

Vacation Bible School July 12-14

“Let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is excellent; his glory [is] above the earth and heaven.” Psa 148:13

Vacation Bible School at Community Covenant is a 3 evening camp for kids 4-12. Join us for singing, outdoor games, bible stories around the campfire and art journaling projects.

Register online here